Wednesday, October 26, 2016

From the Papers of the Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer

The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer is the first openly transgender pastor ordained in the Lutheran church, currently serving Grace Lutheran in San Francisco, an author of numerous books and an award winning historian, their papers appear hear for academic purposes please use the following citation for these primary sources:  Document, Folder, The Papers of the Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer, Queerly Lutheran Archive, San Francisco, CA, Date of Document.

Documents are for personal and academic use only.  Individuals interested in publishing or reposting documents must seek permission from Pastor Megan Rohrer (

Vanguard Pastors - 1961-1971 - Oral Histories (Learn more about the work of the Rev. Charles Lewis)  Oral Histories and audio from: Susan Stryker, Paul Gabriel, Megan Rohrer and the Pacifica Audio Archive. Photos courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society. Video edited and written by Megan Rohrer for the Vanguard Revisited speaking tour multimedia exhibit. 2011

Extraordinary Ordination of Pastor Megan Rohrer, November 18, 2006 - Part One

Extraordinary Ordination of Pastor Megan Rohrer, November 18, 2016 - Part Two

July 25, 2010 Rite of Reception for the SPS7: In 1990 two San Francisco Lutheran Churches, St. Francis and First United, defied the policy that prevented openly GLBT individuals from serving as pastors when they ordained a gay man and a lesbian couple.  As a result the two churches were expelled from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  More than 20 years later: 18 pastors had been ordained in defiance of the church, 3 pastors were removed by trial and and countless others were denied the ability to serve openly as GLBT pastors in the Lutheran Church.  The ELCA changed its policies  and this was the first group of GLBT pastors who faithfully served the church, despite their undocumented status, tobe recognized by the ELCA.  Seven GLBT pastors, from the Bay Area were either received or reinstated to the ELCA roster of pastors.

Sermon of Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson at the Installation of Bishop Guy Erwin (first openly gay Bishop to serve in the ELCA: September 21, 2013

Remarks of Bishop Guy Erwin After His Installation: Sept 21, 2013 at California Lutheran University

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